
How To Choose A Preserved Flowers Wholesale Supplier

The preserved flowers industry is booming right now, and for good reason! Preserved flowers are superior in every way to fresh flowers, and people are really starting to take notice of the lasting beauty and value of eternal roses. Whether you're just launching a preserved flower business, or you're adding them to your existing product offerings, finding a reliable and affordable preserved flowers wholesale supplier is critical to your success.

Here's what to look for in a preserved flowers wholesale supplier.


Hands-down the most important thing to look for in a preserved flowers wholesale supplier is QUALITY. When preserved flowers are arranged in a display box, consistency in size, fullness, color, and overall quality will make or break your business. People expect to receive displays that look the same as your website images, so finding a quality preserved flowers wholesale supplier is key. 

Look for a supplier that only sources their roses from the countries of Colombia and Ecuador, as these equatorial countries are renowned for their incredible rose farms. The horticulturists and workers at these rose farms take quality control very seriously, knowing that their reputation is on the line.


The reality is that preserved flowers are more expensive than fresh flowers -- but that's because they last a year or longer. Many people have said their roses stayed beautiful for up to three years! The preservation process used is precise, delicate, and time-consuming, which adds to the cost of preserved roses. 

However, when you find a trusted preserved flowers wholesale provider that also makes competitive pricing a priority, you can pass that savings along to your own customers and gain an edge on your competitors. 

Expect to pay around $3, less for higher quantities and bulk orders, for genuine Colombian and Ecuadorian premium preserved roses


Because Colombia and Ecuador are located on the equator, they are able to grow gorgeous, full roses year round. Other growers struggle in extreme cool and hot months, and the quality is diminished. When you get your roses from a preserved flowers wholesale supplier that sources Colombian and Ecuadorian roses, you can be assured of having year round access to consistent, high-quality products that will set you apart from the competition. 


Nothing is more frustrating than trying to source products from suppliers that hide information on their website. You're a busy business owner. You want pricing, shipping, and information about a product's origins front and center.

A preserved flowers wholesale supplier that boasts an easy to use e-commerce website, clear pricing, and an easy ordering process is committed to transparency and providing you with the best service and products possible. 

Bellissimo Wholesale Preserved Roses Is Your Source

When you're looking for a dependable and affordable preserved flowers wholesale supplier, look no further than Bellissimo. We make it easy to order genuine Colombian and Ecuadorian preserved roses for fast, year-round delivery. Check out our 144 piece and 6 piece boxes and order right on our website. Or contact us for a bulk preserved flowers wholesale quote.


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